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Welcome to Shutey Online, my 'practise area' and online presence.

The site is broken up into areas that allow me to test and hopefully improve my webmastering skills. The menu on the left links to these areas most of which are part of, my 'home' domain. In addition I also maintain a few other web sites, the 'away' domains.

On the 'home' domain you can find out a little bit about me, well someone might be interested! You can also find out my opinions under 'Rants', if I have any. The 'Music' section is my php practise area and the 'Photos' is my online gallery allowing me to experiment with both the coding and my camera. Humour is just a collection of jokes, cartoons and images that I have enjoyed. Links are the places I visit and finally an online form so that you can contact me if you want to.

The 'away' part consists of sites I maintain seriously. 'Work' is a link to my company's corporate web site for which I am the Webmaster. 'Dordogne' is a link to a site I look after for my brother's holiday gites in France and finally a somewhat 'tongue in cheek' site called 'SLOPS' or South Leicestershire Oral Participation Society which I keep up for me and a few mates who get together for a few beers, something to eat (hence the name) and a few more beers :) SLOPS is actually on my home domain but isn't part of my home site.

Feel free to browse to your heart's content and by all means if you have any comments about anything on any part of the site - feel free to contact me.

